Gas Tank Trail at Little Lake Trail
This was a low cost attempt at marking trails using paper plates. Most plates at trail heads were immediately torn down. This plate has held up for more than two years.
Little Lake Trail at Rd 409
Metal signs where put up some years ago when this was an official County trail from the town of Mendocino to the city of Willits. Most have been vandalized but are still in place and useful. The County has abandoned this trail and it is hard to find outside of JDSF.
Cook House Gulch Trail at Opservation Point Trail
Carved wood signs were put up by CCC workers many years ago. Some of these surely must have been stolen. These were recently reconditioned and placed at the junction of Cook House and Observation Point Trails.
Cook House Gulch / Forest History Trail at Manley Gulch Trail
Laminated paper markers are being used in the Woodlands Camps area. These are inexpensive and seem to be holding up.
Just got in from finishing trail work on Manly. There was a newly fallen tree. And I cleaned up a bunch of sections. One was the redwood tree that required dismounting. And I finished the bridge! I milled up my own planks on site. Now there is just one more bridge that needs planking. The park guys are going to replank the railroad track bridge. So I might salvage the planks off of it for the bridge just upstream of it.
Anyways. That was a day.
Awsome! Thanks for all your good work! Many folks will appreciate not having to cilmb down into the creek or up over the large logs.I am heading for the King Range trailwork on Friday afternoon. I have rooom in my truck if you are interested in coming along. Thanks again!
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