Thanks to an anonymous person a very nice bridge has been constructed on the Manley Gulch
This is the stream crossing before new bridge was built.
The log bridge is the only problem on the trail now!
Unofficial Jackson Demonstration State Forest Recreational Access Blog.
Hey, that's my bridge!
It was a labor of love.
I've been eyeing the other one. The park guys just replaced the railroad track boards, but took the old boards. They could have gone on the log bridge. I may have to run out with my tools again. Hmm. I guess I'm the only one without a job around here. :)
I'm pretty nervous about something I saw today. Have you been down at the camps? It appears they're actually going to pave that main road down there. If so, this is really sick. All of eternity, and then suddenly paving. I'm totally against it, if that's what they're doing. I just thought maybe by saying something here...I don't know.
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