Sunday, April 22, 2007

Trail Markers

Trail markers help show a route but do not necessarily identify the trail.
Some trail markers used on JDSF are,

Metal posts along

Little Lake / Sherwood Trail

Three red bars painted on trees along
Caspar area trails

Caution tape hung on branches along
Rd 409 area trails


Anonymous said...

Thanks to your signs, I found my way around the forest during my intro rides.

The photos in your posts are showing up.

By the way, I went out with a chainsaw and cleared the logs off the Boiler trail today. Except I left the big one for the obvious reason. You can now ride Boiler from top to bottom without getting off except once. Yippee.

Chris Clutton said...

Thanks for not clearing it all! Boiler needs a reroute at the top. This trail will not hold up well with trafic on top.
I have been having problems posting photos on the Blog. Good to hear they are showing up!